Self Employment in Austria – How to Begin?

by | Feb 17, 2021

Today, I’d like to tell you about a website I recently found that provides helpful information for people who are considering self-employment in Austria:

The Berufsanerkennung in Österreich website from the Austrian Integration Fund.

Professional Recognition in Austria

Would you like to learn more about the possibility to work in Austria or learn how to get your professional certificates (degrees, certificates, proof of training) recognized? Then the Berufsanerkennung website is a good place to start.

The information is provided in German, English, and several other languages!

Are you considering becoming self employed? Then make sure to check out their page on self employment! On this page, you can learn more about the conditions for self employment and whether you need to apply for a trade license (Gewerbe). This page also provides link to the Federal Ministry’s website for migration to Austria (information also available in English), which is a good place to begin.

The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) recommends contacting the Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) – and specifically the Gründerservice – if you need more advice about becoming self-employed. Unfortunately, the website of the Gründerservice is still only available in German, but some information and a guide in English is available on their website.

You can learn more about the SVS (social insurance) required for self employed persons in one of my earlier posts.

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Can I be of help?

I am a native English speaker who has lived in Europe (Austria) since 2004. I have provided high-quality proofreading, copy editing and German to English translation services for clients in academic, industrial and the not-for-profit sectors since 2012.

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How the SVS calculates your contributions

The SVA distinguishes among different groups of contributors. Each of these groups is assigned its own contribution base. The amount of the contribution is derived from this contribution base. As a general rule, self-employed persons are required to invest about 27% of their annual profit into pension and health insurance. However, the SVS needs to receive your income tax assessment (from the tax authority / Finanzamt) to calculate the exact amount.

Social Insurance for Self-Employed Persons (SVS)

Anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to illness and/or quarantine or who expects massive business losses and, therefore, is experiencing difficulties making SVS payments (contributions) will receive the best possible support from the SVS. Those affected should contact the SVS directly. If necessary, the SVS can offer all SVS-insured persons the following options.