Who are the US Americans in Styria (2021)?

by | Aug 25, 2021

Did you know that 643 U.S. Americans call Styria their home and that 475 of these US Americans list their main residence as Graz (as of 1.1.2021)?

Who are all these Americans and why have they chosen to live in Styria?

To learn more, check out this recent article that appeared in The Local newspaper. One man said he came to Austria to stay for a year…then remained for 30 years. Others came to Austria to explore exciting career opportunities abroad. Even more joined spouses or life partners in Austria. All bravely faced the challenges associated with integrating in a new culture and learning a new language…normally without the support of friends or family.

Another article published in July 2021 mapped out where U.S. Americans lived in Austria. This revealed some surprising results! Vienna came out the clear winner, with an impressive 4,492 American residents. Lower Austria came in a distant second with 923 Americans, closely followed by 738 Americans in the Salzburgerland. Our population in Styria is then followed by 604 in Upper Austria, 528 in Tyrol, 303 in Carinthia, 206 in Voralberg, and 105 in Burgenland.

If we take a look at the members of our US Americans in Graz and Styria Facebook group, we see people are of all ages, backgrounds, origins (US state), and with diverse talents and skills. However, they all seem to share one thing in common: A love for adventure!

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Can I be of help?

I am a native English speaker who has lived in Europe (Austria) since 2004. I have provided high-quality proofreading, copy editing and German to English translation services for clients in academic, industrial and the not-for-profit sectors since 2012.

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Social Insurance for Self-Employed Persons (SVS)

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