Who are the US Americans in Styria?

Did you know that 643 U.S. Americans call Styria their home and that 475 of these US Americans list their main residence as Graz (as of 1.1.2021)? Who are all these Americans and why have they chosen to live in Styria? To learn more, check out this recent article that...

Self Employment in Austria – How to Begin?

Today, I’d like to tell you about a website I recently found that provides helpful information for people who are considering self-employment in Austria: The Berufsanerkennung in Österreich website from the Austrian Integration Fund. Professional...

How the SVS calculates your contributions

Note: This information is a translation of information provided in this article: https://www.port41.at/artikel/sva-vorschreibung-so-berechnet-die-sva-die-beitraege *Because this is an unofficial translation, provided purely to help people, please understand that...

Social Insurance for Self-Employed Persons (SVS)

This article is the third in a series of informative articles that I am creating to help self-employed people in Austria who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic understand their rights and possibilities *Because this is an unofficial translation, provided purely to...