In March 2020, I decided to start a Facebook group for US Americans who were living in Graz and other parts of Styria.
I created the group to provide access to information that is of specific interest to U.S. Americans living and/or working in Graz. The blogs on this website page will also reflect information posted in the group. In addition, I wanted to support social networking and specifically provide a forum where U.S. Americans living and/or working in Graz can contact with one another, network, and exchange helpful information and support.
Now, 1 1/2 years later, the group has grown to more than 140 US Americans! Considering the fact that there are 475 registered US Americans living in Styria (as of 1.1.2021), this is a pretty impressive percentage.
The members are encouraged to actively contribute to friendly, respectful, and informative posts and discussion. By creating this group, I hope to provide support for U.S. Americans living and/or working in Graz who would like to keep in contact with “their American selves” while enjoying the experience of living abroad! Consider joining my group.